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What is my monty card?

My Monty Card is contact card that goes inside of your smart phone wallet, it is free to try and takes less then 30 seconds to set up. Click the video below to learn more!


5 Easy Steps To Increase Growth

1 Set Up Your Monty Card


Set Up Your Monty Card

Quickly sign up by filling out a simple 30-second form about your business. Your Monty Card is automatically created for you. Get ready to enhance your networking experience effortlessly.


Share Details Instantly

2 Share Details Instantly

Ask your contact to scan your Monty Card with their phone camera and they will instantly access your Monty profile. Share your social links and contact details seamlessly. Make a great first impression with just one scan.


Receive Information Back

3 Receive Information Back

When others scan your Monty QR code, they can share their contact details with you. Collect valuable connections instantly. Build your network with ease and efficiency.

When you get a connection, you will be notified by email!

4 Manage Leads In CRM


Manage Leads in crm

All the contacts you receive are stored securely in the CRM. Access and manage your connections from a user-friendly dashboard. Integrate with over 500 applications via Zapier to streamline your workflow.


Connect To 7000+ Apps

5 7000+ App Integrations

Seamlessly connect your Monty CRM with over 7000 applications using Webhooks. Automate your workflows and enhance productivity using any automation software. Unlock endless possibilities for your business with powerful integrations.


68% of Lead Generation Still Comes from Face-to-Face Events – Monty Captures 89% More Leads than Traditional Methods

Boost Face-to-Face

Capture more leads and make lasting impressions at in-person events.

Easy Digital

Instantly share your contact details and social links with a quick QR scan.

Efficient Lead Management

Store and manage contacts seamlessly in your My Monty Card CRM.


Connect with over 7000 apps to streamline your workflow and maximize productivity.


Gain insights into your networking efforts with detailed analytics and reports.


Keep your information current and accessible from any device with real-time updates.


Seamlessly Connect Your Monty CRM With Your Other Apps Through Zapier


Monty is a digital business card and CRM platform accessible via phone or computer. Unlike traditional cards, Monty is online and can be shared via QR code or link, providing instant access to your business details and enabling appointment bookings.

Additionally, Monty allows you to store and manage received contact information in a CRM that connects with over 7000 applications via Zapier. Monty can be updated anytime to ensure everyone has your latest information!

My Monty Card is a CRM platform that integrates with your smartphone wallet. It allows you to share your social links and contact details through a QR code, and store received contact information in a CRM connected to over 500 applications via Zapier.

Signing up is easy! Simply fill out a quick 30-second form about your business, and your Monty Card will be automatically created for you. You can then start using it to enhance your networking efforts.

Once you have your Monty Card, you can add it to your smartphone wallet. When someone scans the QR code, they are taken to your Monty profile, where they can see your social links and download your contact details.


Yes! When someone scans your Monty QR code and chooses to share their contact information with you, it will be stored in your Monty CRM. This makes it easy to keep track of new connections.

From your Monty dashboard, you can add links, images, and even set up call bookings through our Google Meets integration. The dashboard is designed to help you manage your profile and connections effortlessly.

My Monty Card integrates with over 500 applications via Zapier. This allows you to automate workflows and streamline processes by connecting your Monty CRM with tools you already use, such as email marketing, project management, and more.

Absolutely. We prioritize your data security and use advanced encryption methods to ensure your information is protected. Your data is stored securely in the CRM, and only you have control over it.


How Monty Transforms Networking for Our Users


When compared with every alternative, Monty always comes out on top!

Paper Business Cards 💩

Other Digital Business Cards 💩

Always on you!

99.8% of professionals have their phones on them at all times. only 25% carry business cards. Why?

Ever felt the embarrassment of forgetting your business card when you needed it? It’s not your fault; paper cards easily get lost, crinkled or forgotten – but Monty is always on you.

Ever felt embarrassed forgetting a business card? It’s not your fault; paper cards easily get lost, crinkled or forgotten. Monty doesn’t.

Less Than a cuppa' coffee

🎨 Display Portfolio

🔗 Instant Sharing

💬 Contact Details

📱Display All Socials

📅 Take Call Bookings

💼 Always with You

⭐ Testimonials

🚨 A Lot More!

Monty gives your business all of these new features in a business card from as little as £4.99 a-month.

Less Than a cuppa' coffee

🎨 Digital Portfolio

🔗 Instant Sharing

📱 QR Code Access

🌍 Eco-Friendly

📅 Appointment Booking

💼 Always with You

🎥 Multimedia Integration

🚨 A Lot More!

Monty gives your business all of these new features in a business card from as little as £9.99 a-month!

Every year, 7.2 million trees are used for paper business cards, with 88% discarded within 12 hours. This equates to the equivalent carbon loss of burning 6.33 million trees!

Out With the old!

There is no way around it – traditional paper cards contribute to deforestation. 9/10 of them get lost and the 10% that don’t, end their lives soggy, smudged and contain old information.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Massively offset carbon emissions using Monty

Digital Storage

No carbon lost when creating your Monty Virtual Business card

Paperless Design

Monty uses zero paper and destroys no trees what-so-ever!


Well, traditional paper business cards suck because…..

…..when you change your details, you need to order more 👎

Update your Monty Card easily and instantly on our online app at anytime! This means both old and new connections will always have your latest details  🙌

…..they are never on you when you need them 👎

Monty goes inside your smart phone wallet, so you can pull it out whenever you need it! No more looking unprofessional because you don’t have your card 📱

…..they get lost after you hand them out 👎

Monty saves directly into your new connection’s phone contacts so they can pull you up whenever they need you or your service 📌

…..they take you a long time to design and arrive 👎

My Monty Card takes 10 seconds to create and is sent to your smart phone wallet instantly! You’ll never have to order paper cards again 💚

…..they only contain text and basic info 👎

Monty goes in your smart phone wallet, so you can pull it whenever and wherever you are! 👍

…..they get crumpled and graffiti’d 👎

Monty goes in your smart phone wallet, so you can pull it whenever and wherever you are! 👍

The bottom line? In a digital world, paper isn’t good enough. My Monty Card is better in every possible way!

Still mulling Monty over? Try it now, for free.

Monty is the number one business networking tool that is 89% more likely to get client leads – what do you have to lose?

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